Thursday 4 June 2009

Holes Movie Review

Cast: Shia Labeouf- Stanley
Jon Voight- Mr. Sir
Tim Blake Nelson- Mr. Pendanski
Sigourney Weaver- The Warden
Khelo Thomas- Zero
Henry Winkler- Stanley yelnats III
Patricia Arquette- Kate Barlow

Holes, a classic Disney film, was released in 2003 it was directed by Andrew Davies.

The story is set out in 3 plots. One with Stanley’s great-great grandfather, another is with kissing Kate Barlow and Sam and the last is with Stanley and the main plot.
When Stanley arrives at camp Mr. Sir says they are digging to build character but when Stanley finds a strange tube he wonders if they are digging for more than to build character. What do you think?

This film has many genres, adventure, romance, comedy, horror, fantasy and mystery. It has a little bit of everything but it is mainly action and mystery. It is action because there is a lot of thrilling moments but is also mystery because you can never guess what is going to happen next.

The best part is the action, mystery part. It is about Mr Pendanski and Zero. It happens when the warden comes out to the site were Magnet and Stanley had a fight. There was something said and the warden said that everyone would have to dig their own hole. Stanley said that he had been teaching Zero to read and write. Mr Pendanski said to Zero “What does d-i-g spell.”. Then it stays quiet for a bit then Zero says”I'm not digging anymore holes”. Mr pendanski tries to grab Zero then bang.

My opinion of this film is that it is a must see for children. The film is a PG so it is perfect for a family to sit down and watch together. My favorite character was Stanley because he was funny but also caring. This film is aimed at children but an adult could sit down and watch this happily.

4.5/5 rating
Jerome Wilde 8H & Josh Fisher 8H