Sunday 29 August 2010

Year 10

Your next GCSE Assignment is the first of the two Creative Writing controlled assessment tasks.


Responding to a given brief

Your class teacher will decide which of the two tasks below you will be undertaking:

The web host of a creative writing website approaches you to submit some writing for it. This month‟s theme is “Change”. You have complete freedom in your choice of form, but are asked not to make what you submit longer than 1000 words.

Write your piece for the website.

Your local newspaper runs a weekly column called – “Don‟t Get Me Started On....!” – in which a guest columnist is asked to write a piece of between 500- 800 words.

Writers use the column as a place to comment on some aspect of modern life that annoys them. Some writers produce comic writing, others take a more serious approach.

Write your piece for this column.

The mark scheme for this task is to be found below.

The full syllabus can be found at the following address

Should you still be unsure of how the syllabus is put together then go to the following links where a simplified overview is provided.