Monday 5 July 2010


Yr 9


Re: Friday 9th July 2010

On Friday, all pupils in the Year will undertake their GCSE Literature Controlled Assessment task as part of the GCSE course.

You will attend English Lessons during Periods 1, 3 and 5 on Friday and have 2 hours to write your essay, consisting of 40 minutes per session.

You are allowed to have one page of planning notes in front of you which cannot be too detailed – a prepared draft, a detailed planning grid or any plagiarised text.

NO OTHER NOTES may be taken into the assessment.

You should use the next three days to revise your topic thoroughly, using all notes covered during lessons and be ready to undertake the task on Friday.

Once the task commences, the teacher is not permitted to give any assistance whatsoever so it is up to you to be fully prepared for the task,

Mr Carroll