Friday 22 May 2009

Holes - The Movie reviews by Year 8

Holes (2003)

Jon Voight
Tim Blake Nelson
Sigourney Weaver
Khleo Thomas
Henry Winkler
Patricia Arquette
And introducing: Shia LaBeouf

Director: Andrew Davis
Screenplay: Louis Sachar

Shia LaBeouf stars and the unlucky Stanley Yelnats IV who is sent away to the juvenile detenetion camp, Camp Green Lake. On his journey Stanley encounters a few terrible creatures like scorpions, rattle snakes and the dreaded yellow spotted lizards, as well as a couple of fierce characters like The Warden (Sigourney weaver- The Guys), Mr Sir(Jon voight- Ali, Tomb Raider) and the crazy Mr Pendanski (Tim Blake Nelson The Good Girl). This film has two settings in time the present and 100 years ago. Events from 100 years ago show why things are like they are in the present with Patricia Arquette as the famous outlaw Kissin’ Kate Barlow.
Stanley tries to reverse a 350 year old curse and along with his new pal Zero (Khleo Thomas) he attempts to discover the secret of Camp Green Lake.
Holes has a mixture of genres including: drama, comedy, romance, mystery, fantasy and adventure. All of the actors in the film are superb but there is a fantastic stand out performance by Sigourney Weaver who portrays the devious warden.
This Disney film is aimed at children but adults will love the film too it is fantastic and has nothing wrong with it in my opinion. Holes is a great family film.

Rating 4 ½ stars out of 5

Connor Parkinson